Environmental Policy
Panel Agency Limited is dedicated to sourcing timber based products from responsible suppliers and shall, working in collaboration with its suppliers and its clients, pursue an objective of sustainable development.
This objective will be achieved not only by checking the source of raw material, but also, in relation to our construction projects, by seeking efficiency in raw material usage. We are dedicated to the environment as a long term objective and will through a process of self-assessment seek continual improvement.
From our suppliers we expect the following;
- The sourcing of raw material from forests practising at least sustainable yield management.
- Clear identification of the species of timber.
- The use of best available technology to minimise the harmful effects of noise pollution and discharge of pollutants into the atmosphere or water.
- Efficiency in energy or raw material usage.
From our clients we would like to understand how our products are being utilised and thus ensure that they are the best available solution for the given application.
We are able to offer both FSC® and PEFC goods and have full FSC® and PEFC Chain of Custody Certification. We are licenced to use the FSC® logo under licence number FSC-C006221. Our FSC certificate number is SGSCH-COC-000570. Our PEFC certificate is SG SCH-PEFC-COC-020022 and our trade marks licence number is PEFC/16-37-2007.
Our company is committed to the eradication of illegal timber in European markets. By implementing the Responsible Purchasing Policy of Timber Development UK and improving our supply chain we are putting that commitment into action.
All employees of Panel Agency Limited have collaborated in the development of our environmental objectives and are dedicated to the supply of the most natural product in the world - WOOD.